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Product Management

What does a product manager do?

Product Managers listen, prioritize, and build. To do all of these things, they must wear multiple hats to build the best products for their customers.

Dottie Schrock

Dottie Schrock

One piece of advice for PMs

Hubert Palan is one of the more curious and enthusiastic people I’ve met in this lifetime. He’s also spent much of the past five years speaking with hundreds of product managers, trying to learn what they’d expect a dream all-in-one tool for product managers to do. So when I asked Hubert recently what piece of advice he’d offer PMs, he did what he often does — responded with a story…

Winston Blick

Winston Blick

What Makes a Great Product Manager?

I get asked this question a lot. Either because folks are hiring a product manager or because they want to get better at product management themselves.

Hubert Palan

Hubert Palan

Two questions for more effective interviews & reference calls

We have recently been looking for some great design and engineering minds to join our productboard team. Having done hundreds of interviews in the past, I have been following my recruiting routine of screening candidates, asking about their past experiences, fishing for concrete examples of brilliance, drive, and leadership in their fields.

Hubert Palan

Hubert Palan

Why are execs, product managers, marketers, designers and engineers so often NOT on the same page?

I want to forget, at least for now, the obvious need for a clear overarching vision, trust, accountability and a culture of cooperation. Without these, you will not build a great product no matter what, so let’s assume that these are in place. (Wishful thinking, I know, but let’s not go there now.)

Hubert Palan

Hubert Palan

Customer is besieged, but still standing unconquered

Given the long history of myriad frameworks and methodologies, it seems like the customer, her goals, pains and motivations are besieged on every front. Everyone is trying to analyze her, everyone is trying to understand her, everyone is trying to learn how to satisfy her.

Hubert Palan

Hubert Palan

The product management divide and how product strategists, UX designers, lean startup practitioners…

Everyone is on the same page when it comes to understanding who exactly the target customer is, what her key goals and pains are, and what solution alternatives are available to her. Nothing can stop them from building a product that will be a runaway success.

Well, not so fast.

It turns out that there is often a striking divide and lack of alignment in terms of understanding users, their goals and pains, and available solution alternatives (alternatives in the sense of competitive products or non-consumption).

Hubert Palan

Hubert Palan

Product Management Structure: Everything you need to know

Product Management seems to be the least defined and standardized discipline out of the corporate functions — sales, support, HR, finance, engineering, even demand generation tends to have much more standardized structure and best practices.

Hubert Palan

Hubert Palan