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Company & Product

Introducing the All-New Productboard to Drive Alignment, Efficiency, and Real Business Impact

Our redesigned board layouts (grid, timeline, column) are faster, more flexible, and come with enhanced filtering and grouping so that your teams can operate efficiently with precision. Also, we’re introducing new templates and the ability to instantly switch between layouts, to further remove friction so your teams are empowered to run.

Hubert Palan

Hubert Palan

Introducing the next generation of AI for product management

With today’s launch of Productboard AI 2.0, featuring new fully-automated feedback categorization, true continuous product discovery is finally within reach. Now you can build what customers really need, increase product manager productivity, and ship even faster with the next generation of AI for product teams, fully integrated into your product

Winston Blick

Hubert Palan

Best Practices for Better Product Feature Prioritization 

Why is product feature prioritization necessary? Because the reality of building products is that you simply can’t do everything. There are many different ways to prioritize, but, at the end of the day, the goal is to eliminate wasteful practices and deliver customer value in the quickest possible way, given a variety of constraints.

Danielle Belanger

Productboard Editorial

Product-Led Growth Strategy: Practical Implementation

Product-Led Growth (PLG) centers on the idea that the product itself is the main vehicle for customer acquisition, retention, and expansion.

Danielle Belanger

Productboard Editorial

Top Product Discovery Techniques

Product discovery techniques are used by product teams to understand user needs, market demands, and technological feasibility before building a product. These techniques can include user interviews, surveys, market research, prototyping, and usability testing, among others. They are crucial in the product development process because they enable teams to gather

Danielle Belanger

Productboard Editorial

Product Strategy Examples & Tips

A product strategy is a carefully considered plan to best position how a product or service is developed and marketed. It requires a deep understanding of customer needs, competitive offerings, and long-term business goals. Aligning all three allows the product team and other stakeholders to make more customer-focused decisions.

Danielle Belanger

Productboard Editorial

Why User Experience Insights Are Crucial in Product Development 

User experience insights represent essential information and feedback gathered from interactions with your product, illuminating user preferences, behaviors, pain points, and expectations.

Danielle Belanger

Productboard Editorial

Product Discovery How-To: Actionable Tips and Strategies

Every product on the market started somewhere as the seed of an idea. Product discovery is the process of exploring, researching, and defining those ideas or concepts, in order to truly understand their viability, feasibility, and potential value. 


Productboard Editorial

Introducing Customer-Centric APIs: Now Generally Available

With these APIs, our customers can now pull, link, and push Notes, Companies, Users, and Features data with greater ease and integrate with their own tools faster.


Productboard Editorial

Showcasing Customer Value: Data-Driven Strategies for Customer Success

In today’s data-driven landscape, success with customers relies on swiftly demonstrating the value we provide. In my role at Productboard as a Customer Success Manager for the enterprise segment, I’ve discovered that effectively connecting with product leaders and other executive personas involves a thoughtful integration of both quantitative and qualitative


Faye Sultan

Introducing Productboard AI: Make What Matters, Even Faster

Today, we are thrilled to announce Productboard AI to help you overcome these challenges, and take your product practice to a whole new level. Our mission is to revolutionize the world of product management, and we envision a future where AI makes the product manager’s role even more impactful and fulfilling.


Productboard Editorial

Productboard Introduces AI Solution To Help Product Teams Make the Right Decisions and Deliver Faster

With Productboard AI, product teams can now make better-informed decisions, analyze customer feedback on an unprecedented scale, drastically lower the risk of failures, streamline routine tasks, and collaborate far more effectively. 


Productboard Editorial