😎 2024 Summer product launch – Run highly effective product teams at scaleLearn more

Customer Insights

Capture all sources of customer feedback in one place automatically.

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Customer Feedback example in Productboard

Inspire great ideas with actionable user insights

Learn what’s most important to customers and track how their needs evolve.

Reduce manual work of processing feedback

Capture, curate, and route feedback from multiple channels (e.g., Slack, Zendesk, Gong) to manage in a centralized system.

Assigned Customer Feedback in Productboard
User Impact Breakdown in Productboard

Improve responsiveness
to the market

Confidently inform, validate, and communicate product decisions based on the needs of your most important customers. 

Create products that customers love

Solve customers’ needs and continuously improve products with a space that helps you stay connected to your community.

Filtered Insights by Customer in Productboard
Productboard lightbulb icon blue

Customer insights capabilities

Productboard Customer Insights Use Case Icon Arrow blue

Central hub for user feedback

Productboard Customer Insights Use Case Icon Menu blue

AI summaries, search, and prompting

Productboard Use Case Views Icon blue

Integrations with internal & customer-facing systems

Productboard Use Case People Icon blue

Link insights to ideas with one-to-many relationships

Explore more use cases

Productboard Roadmapping Icon yellow


Create, share, and collaborate across teams with real-time roadmaps.

Productboard diamond lightning bolt icon

Data-Driven Prioritization

Organize ideas and determine what to build next using a data-driven approach.

Productboard diamond timeline icon

Strategic Product Planning

Run product planning and ensure teams are focused on the highest impact initiatives.

Productboard diamond handshake icon

Cross-Team Collaboration

Enable collaboration across departments, product lines, and business units.