Product Management

Why you need a product strategy framework to build a great product

Having a documented and well-communicated product strategy framework connects your vision and your roadmap in a scalable way that grows with the company.

Dottie Schrock

Monty Mitra

8 examples of prototypes to build for your MVP

Prototyping is an essential skill for product managers to master. Not only does prototyping offer the opportunity to bring ideas to life, it deliberately reduces risk and ensures that you are not wasting time designing and delivering the wrong thing. As Josh Wexler, head of product at Yieldmo, puts it:

Dottie Schrock

Monty Mitra

What is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)?

Dottie Schrock

Monty Mitra

Product manager vs. project manager: What’s the difference?

Discussing the differences between product managers, project managers, and product owners so you can understand who does what and who is responsible for what.

Dottie Schrock

Monty Mitra

Product Backlog Management Tips

One of the main challenges product teams face is effective backlog management. Here’s how to use user insights, prioritization, and a clear roadmap to eliminate your backlog.

Tony Lee

Martin Felcman

Top 20 product management blogs to following

Blogs are an extraordinary resource for staying up-to-date on product management best practices, strategies, and product-related news from key industry insiders. Stay in the know. Bookmark these helpful product management blogs!

Dottie Schrock

Dottie Schrock

How to write release notes

To build an ongoing relationship your customers, you need to stay in constant communication with them and let them know what’s coming with good release notes.

Dottie Schrock

Monty Mitra

Your biggest product manager responsibilities are not the ones you think

Product management as a whole is currently evolving, and many companies are still trying to clearly define the role in their organizations. In the past, PMs were often primarily responsible for technical and project management duties as strategic decisions about the product were led by sales or engineering. However, as companies begin to compete on product experience, product managers are leading strategy, and it’s their primary goal is to decide what to build next.

Dottie Schrock

Monty Mitra

What Jon Stewart and The Daily Show can teach you about managing your time

I met Jon Stewart once. He and the head writer of The Onion were promoting their new book, America (The Book): A Citizen’s Guide to Democracy Inaction, at Poets and Prose in Washington, DC. Now, this was before Aasif Mandvi and Hasan Minhaj became correspondents, and I had a plan

Dottie Schrock

Monty Mitra

3 helpful things you should do in an interview to find out what someone really wants

We recently wrote about interviewing customers to get beyond their initial asks to find out what they really need. In the article, we mentioned that the “5 Whys” is a popular and effective method for talking to customers. We also elaborated on how we use that framework. Of course, interviewing, whether it be with job candidates, customers, or sources for a story, can be a bit of an art and science.

Dottie Schrock

Monty Mitra

3 tips to stop the anxiety and focus on your product management tasks

“When you’re a product leader, people look to you for answers. Why is the churn rate high? Why is feature X not being used? How do we get revenue up? And most importantly, what are we going to do to fix it all?”

Dottie Schrock

Monty Mitra

The key to overcoming imposter syndrome is to find a community

Jeremy Saenz, Kajabi’s Vice President of Product knows only too well how stressful the transition from a technical role like engineering to product management can be, and how that stress can manifest as a kind of impostor syndrome.

Winston Blick

Winston Blick