Hacking TypeScript

Mar 30, 2019

Hacking TypeScript

productboard and HubHub are excited to host a Hacking TypeScript event on March, 30! If you’re already familiar with TypeScript, this will be a great event to dive into more advanced topics.

TypeScript has become one of the biggest trends in the JavaScript community after folks starting rewriting their apps in Redux back in 2015. At productboard, we’ve been experimenting with TypeScript for a while now, and successfully made the switch to it from flowtype nearly 6 months ago.

Since that moment, our quality of life has increased by 9000%, and we continue to be amazed by how powerful and convenient it is. We’re continuing to explore it more, and we plan on contributing to the community to improve type definitions for some of our favorite libraries.

We’d also love to hear from you! You will have a chance to share your experience with everyone as well. No slides needed, just a few minutes to walking everyone through a screen share will be great.

After that, we’ll start hacking! Any improvements you always wanted to implement but didn’t have the time? Let’s spend a solid hour or two and get it done. Your future self will thank you! ?


4:00 pm: Doors open – drinks and food are provided.
5:00 pm: What’s new in TypeScript? (Vojta Přikryl)
5:30 pm: Hacking TypeScript – we have some ideas prepared, but feel free to come up with anything.
8:00 pm: Networking – drinks and food are provided.


Pizza and beer provided by productboard! ??

Sounds good to you? Save the date in your calendar, get your ticket and we’ll take care of the rest.

*bring your laptop so you can try all the tips and hints*