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Integrate Zapier with Productboard

Understand what users really need by building zaps that consolidate product feedback from hundreds of sources

Automatically create new notes and features in Productboard



Push product ideas, requests, and feedback from hundreds of tools into Productboard.



Highlight the most important insights and link them to feature ideas.



Surface your top-requested feature ideas and see the user insights that inspired them.

Integrate Productboard with hundreds of applications available on the Zapier platform, without writing a single line of code!

Zapier allows you to define simple sets of rules, or “zaps”, such that actions in one application trigger actions in another. Zaps can be used to create new notes containing feedback on Productboard’s Insights board, or new features on the Features board.

Use ready-made zap templates, or easily create your own with solutions like EvernoteUserVoiceDrift, Salesforce, HubSpotGitHub, Twilio, Front, Google Docs, and Asana. To get started, make sure you have a Productboard account. Then head over to Zapier!

How to integrate Productboard with Zapier

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