Prioritize features with Productboard

Validate ideas and collect new ones by collecting users’ requests, upvotes, and feedback on a public facing product portal.
Vote On Features Customers Want Most - productboard

Upvote features

Feature voting forums failed us. All the noise, duplicate requests, griping and complaints limited their value for collecting inputs from the broader user community. These deficits are addressed by productboard’s Portal, a public-facing interface curated by the product manager where users can help you guide your product forward.

Upvote features

Surface key user insights at just the right time

Ever feel like you put a ton of time, effort, and money coordinating user interviews, only for those findings to get lost in the mix? With productboard you can keep surfacing user insights whenever you reference a related feature idea.

Surface key user insights at just the right time

Scrap your feature backlog

Unwieldy backlogs are out. Manageable product outlines are in. Use productboard’s Features board to organize your feature ideas around the user needs they address. Then sort, filter, and re-arrange your ideas so the best features rise to the top.

Scrap your feature backlog

Visualize product plans

Share your plans with colleagues from across the organization so everyone knows where the product is headed and appreciates the tough trade-offs that went into your prioritization decisions.

Visualize product plans

Integrations galore

You need fewer tools, not more. productboard helps you consolidate user inputs and feature ideas scattered across many systems. Integrate with popular customer touchpoints like Intercom and Zendesk, and hundreds of others via Zapier. When you’re ready, push prioritized features straight into popular dev planning tools like JIRA, Trello, GitHub, and Pivotal Tracker.

Integrations galore

What features will your users upvote?

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