6/16/21 Clinic: Introducing Product Permissions

Jun 16, 2021
8:00 am

6/16/21 Clinic: Introducing Product Permissions

Fast-growing product organizations know collaboration is key – but how to expand access to Productboard without introducing chaos or human error?

Our newย Product Permissions allows teams and members on an Enterprise plan to access and manage permissions for their own specific products – and not those belonging to others. Prevent makers from accidentally editing someone else’s work, or moving another team’s feature while updating a roadmap. Product permissions allows large or complex product organizations to collaborate effectively, while keeping your product teams in control of their own landscape.

As you onboard more makers onto Productboard, new collaboration challenges will arise.ย 

During this clinic, our Success Coaches will walk you through the Product Permissions: how to set up permissions for your products, how to grant or restrict access for different team members, and what your Productboard instance will look like for users with varying levels of access.


Please note: During this clinic, our Customer Success team will be available to answer live Q&A – bring your questions! If you have questions about using Productboard after this webinar is over, please reach out to our Support team via support@productboard.com